In 2016, after years of chronic respiratory infection, I was diagnosed with CVID and GLILD. Basically, my body does not have enough of an immune system to protect me from infection; but what immune system I do have thinks my lungs are the enemy.  I require weekly infusions of human immunoglobulin G.  I give them to myself.  I may someday require a lung transplant.
The primary immunodeficiency (PI) community often identifies with zebras. This is based on an old saying. In medical school, many doctors learn the saying, “when you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras” and are taught to focus on the likeliest possibilities when making a diagnosis, not the unusual ones. However, sometimes physicians need to look for a zebra. People with PI are the zebras of the medical world. So IDF says THINK ZEBRA! --
Professionally, I was a high school algebra teacher for many years.  I love algebra and I love working with middle and high school students.  Since I'm no longer able to teach in the classroom (students can be petri dishes of infection waiting to happen), I have been considering various career options.  I have been interested in coding since we learned Apple Basic in my 9th grade science class.  I love Excel formulas and I love designing web pages, but until this year, I had no idea how to pursue more knowledge on the topic.

So now I'm enrolled in a game development course.  I'm learning Unity and some C#.  My goal is to create fun apps that helps students to learn the foundational skills to algebra that so many seem to be lacking when they get to the class. 

  • I'm engaged to the love of my life. 
  • Dog Mom. I like big mutts!
  • I have well over a dozen nieces and nephews and I love them very much.
  • I have no biological children, but I have a chosen family in addition to my birth family that adores me and I them.
  • I sew
  • I write
  • I'm obsessed with young adult and middle grade fiction, especially Harry Potter, and Rick Riordan Presents